The Importance of Workplace Violence Prevention Programs in Managing High-Risk Threats

Manufacturing Industry Threat Management

When a threat turns violent, seconds matter. Sometimes, we’re lucky and can see the threat unfolding. Other times, the situation escalates spontaneously, leaving no room for delay. For a Midwest-based manufacturing company, acting swiftly on second-hand information was crucial. They received reports of an employee making alarming comments about bringing a firearm to work in their lunchbox. The need to address this potential threat with utmost urgency and precision was paramount.


The company needed expert support to mitigate this serious threat and validate its accuracy since the information didn’t come directly from the person of interest (POI). They had several critical questions that required immediate answers:

  1. How can the threat to the company’s operations, personnel, and other critical assets be mitigated?
  2. Does the POI have the intent and capability to inflict harm on their colleagues?
  3. What caused the strained situation between the POI and their coworker?
  4. Who, if anyone, is on the POI’s hit list?

By swiftly addressing these questions, the company aimed to ensure the safety of all employees and maintain a secure working environment.


When the news that an employee at one of Rozin Security’s Midwest clients had voiced a threat about bringing a firearm to work in their lunchbox, they immediately jumped into action to support the client’s active threat and reduce potential risk to assets, operations, and reputation. It was full of tumultuous “he-said/she-said” statements with high potential for a workplace violence incident. The situation required Rozin Security to adapt and improvise their strategies to ensure the person of interest (POI) would not harm their colleagues. Their approach involved three main phases:

  1. Gathering Statements / Interviews—Rozin Security received statements from three other employees that did not confirm this employee was dangerous. However, the most alarming information revealed involved a recent workstation change, which allowed the person of interest (POI) to express malicious intent towards a colleague. The POI was not only angry at this coworker but also threatened to “go off” on a hit list if their gravely ill spouse were to pass away.
  2. Conducting In-depth Research — After Rozin Security was provided the names of all individuals involved, analysts began researching each person to determine their threat level. An individual in deeper financial trouble with a long criminal past may be more likely to inflict harm on others.
  3. Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) — While the analysts were accruing birthdates, addresses, vehicles, and social media information, Rozin Security was briefing three highly skilled operators with background in special operations and intelligence that would travel to surveil the POI and assess the vulnerabilities at the client’s site. By the time the operatives arrived, the SOC

was prepared to respond to any operational request.

Uncovering the Root Cause

Over the next two weeks, the following took place:

  • 24-hour-a-day surveillance of the POI, both of their trailer and whilst in transit.
  • Rozin Security scheduled to have an operator, under a clever pretext, meet with the POI and their spouse in a coffee shop. The hope was that the POI would let their guard down and provide Rozin Security with useful information.
  • During the conversation, the POI stated:
    1. They have never discussed firearms at work, brought one to work, nor have they ever owned a firearm.
    2. They discussed their relationships at work and divulged that the coworker causing them the most problems is jealous.
    3. The POI is a newer employee and has received benefits their coworker has not. They also said that this individual is known for bullying others.


After Rozin Security gathered sufficient information from analysts and interviews, the client was equipped to take the necessary next steps. With Rozin Security’s assistance, the client conducted interviews with all involved parties and uncovered the following critical discrepancies:

  • Contradictory Statements: One interviewee’s initial witness statement conflicted with their subsequent interview responses regarding the incident’s existence.
  • Inconsistent Threat Reports: Another interviewee’s account of the POI’s threats did not align with another’s testimony.
  • Behavioral Contradictions: An interviewee claimed the POI could be easily “set off” but later contradicted this by stating they had never witnessed the POI act out angrily.
  • Omitted Information: Multiple interviewees failed to disclose that the POI had previously bragged about bringing a handgun to work.
  • False Admissions: The POI admitted lying to the HR department, confirming they did not possess any firearms.
  • Fabricated Personal Information: The POI lied about the death of their daughter, possibly to garner sympathy from colleagues.

The accumulation of lies, hearsay, and inconsistencies led Rozin Security to recommend the termination of all involved parties (four in total). Recognizing the high-risk nature of these terminations, Rozin Security ensured the safety of all employees by providing the client with additional resources to manage any potential violent reactions from those terminated.

As a result, the client received comprehensive recommendations across operational, HR, technological, and physical security domains. Rozin Security’s ongoing support continues to help the client prevent future incidents and maintain a secure work environment, fostering a culture of safety and integrity.

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