TIPS® (Threat Information Protection System) is a revolutionary targeted violence prevention system designed to serve as a central security and safety reporting, threat assessment, and management platform. TIPS® is designed to support workplace violence prevention programs and manage additional relevant organizational risks.

TIPS is designed by threat managers and security professionals for threat managers and security professionals.

TIPS Key Infrastructure and Security

TIPS is built with modern, industry-leading frameworks, libraries, and services and implements modern application security best practices. Its architecture operates on Amazon’s AWS GovCloud or Microsoft Azure, both of which are designed to host sensitive data, regulate workloads, and address the most stringent government security and compliance requirements.

TIPS is a cloud-based platform enabling organizations to capture, store, analyze, and manage threat cases and other security incidents to proactively identify, detect, and prevent evolving threats while managing enterprise risk.

SaaS Capacity

In its Software as a Service capacity, TIPS core features include:

  • Easy to access, intuitive, enterprise-wide reporting. 

  • Clean, intuitive, and simple to navigate interface. 

  • Location-based account structure and setup.   

  • Pre-set parameters and customized case types for a detailed reporting process.  

  • Capture and manage case-related media and communication.  

  • Built-in access to investigative public database tools (CLEAR). 

  • Integration with Structured Professional Judgment (SPJ) tools such as:  

    • WAVR-21 (Workplace Assessment of Violence Risk) 
    • AVRT (Aid for Violence Risk Triage) 
    • HCR-20 V3 (Historical-Clinical-Risk-Management) 
    • SARA V3 (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide) 
    • SAM-V2 (Guidelines for Stalking Assessment and Management) 
  • Automated identification of a Pathway to Violence. 

  • Real-time automated case analysis and alerts.  

  • Real-time push notifications to customized users list on case-related updates.  

  • Seamless integration with email communication.  

  • Comprehensive case searches and analysis capabilities.  

  • Tasks, time-log, follow-up, and other critical case-management elements.  

  • Enterprise-wide and location-based current and historic risk analysis.  

  • User-based customizable real-time dashboard.  

  • Generate and export any case-related details in an official report format.  

  • Export multiple cases in a searchable format to allow detailed analysis.  

  • Access through a web-based desktop application and mobile app.  

The TIPS Dashboard prominently features an organization’s risk score analysis and provides an interactive map of case locations.

The Case Details page within TIPS provides comprehensive information and analytical tools that allows users to explore connections and additional information beyond the specific original case viewed.

Professional Analyst Support Services

In addition to the platform TIPS PASS (Professional Analyst Support Services) delivers critical analytical services as directed by the client. As part of this package you will receive quality intelligence products highlighting relevant risks to your organization. In addition to core features, this live analyst support enhances user experience by providing the following:

  • Access to case-specific information is only available through a Rozin Security-trained analyst who has access to Lexus Nexus, TLOxp, CLEAR, and others.
  • Access to social media and other active monitoring tools and platforms.
  • Alerts on relevant threat information that may have been obtained outside the client account.
  • Access to Rozin Security Threat Management Specialists for assistance with case management, information interpretation, additional resources, and more.


More Solutions

Proactive security solutions leveraging a unique, advanced approach for designing integrated security solutions that balance human factors, physical protection systems, and state-of-the-art technology.

Security Consulting

Rozin Security offers security consulting services to help you design a comprehensive and proactive security plan to meet the needs of your organization today, and over time.

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